Moonlight Shadow, Mike Oldfield ft. Maggie Reilly

Mike Oldfield's original song "Moonlight shadow"

Mike Oldfield performed the original song of "Moonlight shadow"; this song was released in 1983 and belongs to music genres: Pop, Rock / Alternative, Piano / Instrumental.

More about "Moonlight shadow" by Mike Oldfield

Moonlight Shadow” is a pop rock song released in May 1983 written and performed by english artist and composer Mike Oldfield with the collaboration of the scottish vocalist Maggie Reilly.

“Moonlight shadow” is one of the most famous hit of those years and represent an iconic song of ’80s and has been included in the album “Crises” released some months later

Published on September 29, 2015 10316

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Moonlight shadow
Mike Oldfield

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